Standard Hole Spacing to fit popular holsters.
- Will allow your holster to ride just over 1/2" higher in your waistband than the standard Mod 4.
- 2.77" +/- .02" " OAL
- Width: .624" +/- .002"
- Fits over belts up to 1.5".
- .205" round hole and horizontal slot spaced at .600"
- Horizontal slot allows clip to be mounted on an angle 8° either direction.
- Just enough clearance to fit either a threaded post or low profile screw in the horizontal slot underneath the grab lip.
- Surface finish: Standard DMG/Cu finish: Color - DCC dark matte grey. Non reflective and resists corrosion very well
- Hardware not included
Mod 4 Super Shorty - HLR Discreet Gear Clip™ - 1.5" belt - SHS
軽いひっかき傷や摩耗痕がついた場合はWD40で塗油して糸くずの出ない布等でしっかりと圧力をかけて拭き上げてください 植物油や鉱物油、モーターオイル等でも構いません これにより見た目が良くなります